Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wiki entry on social networking

Wiki Definition on social networking:

A well developed and indepth response/effort to the term "social networking" but a broad and vague one, defining the term "social networking" isn't easy without giving an explicit example of what social networking really is.  Many would understand the definition Wikipedia gives on social networking but only because people have used or atleast expierence or have been exposed to social networking programs such as Facebook or myspace.  The people of the senior generation today who might not use computers and know the many capabilities technology has today would only have a relitive idea on what social networking really is and how it is used today.  Simply stating that knowing what social networking is based solely on Wiki definition of the word would only give a partial understanding of the term.

1 comment:

  1. Justin, you were to assess the wiki entry for your social networking service or tool (Facebook, etc.). Sorry, no point for this one.
