Tuesday, April 21, 2009

magazine/newspaper resource


Credited source through the nytimes shows new source of police through the internet,  having a so called "virtual" police force that is supported by facebook to help secure and track down stalkers and other teenagers that signs of discriminationg actions.  

The info on this is limited and the outcome of positives is just as equal as the negitive out comes for having the police to secure social networking,  police already trying to keep society safe and have order now with the internet having being watch by the police the outcome could either have negitive affects just as positive ones towards the facebook users.  Will the security be worth the lack of privacy.

Monday, April 20, 2009

new thesis statement

Theme:  Myspace and Facebook are used by many with life threating issues that involve young teens today that need to be resolved to limit future lives being threatened from mental and sexual abuse (stalkers) by increasing age verification security.

Newspaper resource

MySpace mom cleared of felony charges; 'Compromise'; Woman guilty of misdemeanor in teen's suicide
Dan WhitcombAlex DobuzinskisNational Post. Don Mills, Ont.: Nov 27, 2008. pg. A.2

This newspaper article shows valid points on how security on myspace is inefficent to keep people using myspace as an actual tool to kill.  Shows a simple prank turn sinister, this shows that myspace should keep closer watch on messages and patterns of messages.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

research questions

The security made to protect the young users from being abused are being abused by the users themselves.
- Group of girls in middle school played a prank on one other girl who was an outcast
- people using facebook to manipultate themselves as a person who they would like (as in a relationship)
- have some requried information setting that each individual can setup for their own protection or comfort when meeting random unknown people.

Wiki entry on social networking

Wiki Definition on social networking:

A well developed and indepth response/effort to the term "social networking" but a broad and vague one, defining the term "social networking" isn't easy without giving an explicit example of what social networking really is.  Many would understand the definition Wikipedia gives on social networking but only because people have used or atleast expierence or have been exposed to social networking programs such as Facebook or myspace.  The people of the senior generation today who might not use computers and know the many capabilities technology has today would only have a relitive idea on what social networking really is and how it is used today.  Simply stating that knowing what social networking is based solely on Wiki definition of the word would only give a partial understanding of the term.

Thesis statement on Facebook and myspace

Thesis statement: Myspace and Facebook's security specifically goes to great lengths to protect its user's privacy from other, but not realizing that the security itself violates the privacy of the users.


Retrieved: April 9th, 2009


Retrieved: April 9th, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

Assessment on Youtube

note details about the entire site & describe breifly

Youtube like Myspace, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. is used for communication around the world, but mainly for visual and video expressions of opinion on many topics.  It includes many services same as Myspace and Twitter of having blogs as videos and uses responses to those blogs with more videos and with written responses if too short of a response for a video.

assess how it is used

Youtube runs the same way as a typical Facebook, Myspace would work you have your own page of favorites, friends, playlists and can keep track to whoever you communicated with and vise versa.  Youtube is compadable with myspace and Twitter for blogs if a video is so desired.  Which makes every thing an easy access to responses that are similar to one article or oppositions to the other. 

asses if its useful or not

 With so many that watch and uses Youtube for communicating many use Youtube as a source to post valid information for everyone to see, many claim that youtube is a not reliable when it comes to supporting ones arguement, but with so many users on the Youtube its more of an incentive to post valid information on such a widely used service.

access if private information about the user is apparent

The only flaw in Youtube is the private information isn't easily notice or controled through other accounts, such as Myspace or Facebook.  Despite it is possible to make information private its not a clear as say Myspace.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Assessing Technology articles

The technology slaves 

Ross Wheatley

The article uses valid points for its claim because how current the evidences is, people today do rely on technology a little too much and as such replace part of their humanity with it.  With Mr. Weatly stating the prices of ongoing technologies such as the mac software which the introduced the iphone.  many could say it authoritative due to the fact its scene everyday.



Shows extreme developments in technology and how rapid each new development of technology,  but could have been a little more realistic as to what are really the affects of having multiple web pages to communicate to people, including that there was no citations that credit this video.


This article is a little more unique then the most since it shows more subtle concerns for facebook, dispite that the links he used to support is article weren't totally well stated to support what he had to say.  I wish he discussed more directly with what facebook might have planned down the line or a statical evidence to show risks to some users with many friends on facebook compared to some of the risks of others who have few.


This article briefly show quick and dangerous facts of programs of facebook that could be used as a source of evidence since this specific topic that this article is about could be put in play at anytime.  Goes to show that you really can't trust any privacy policy one way or another someone will hack in and also people who want to hack into your account have a reason to do so, so why did this IT administrator hack into this specific girls account? It was as if he knew before hand

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

CA budget outline

Justin Slater

Thesis statement: The California state budget is an inevitable incident that was bound to create  problems  throughout the state of California, but many more Unions excluding the state government will face job/faculty losses because of the ineffiecency of the state legislature and officials.


I.      Many point fingers at Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for the blame of the State budget crisis but many lower members in the state legislative is adding more the problem then Mr. Schwarzenegger is.

a.     With many members of the state legislative unwilling or unable to upheld a meeting to resolve/reach a deal that would lay out the ground work to recover from the 42 billion dollar deficit.

                                               i.     Three months past the original due date to come up with a solution

                                             ii.     The governor had to threaten to shut down dozens of construction projects inorder for the State legislative to have a full attentence to resolve the issue . (The Sacromento Bee)

II.     The State legislature isn’t doing it share to help California recover from this huge deficit

                                               i.     Over 200 state legislative jobs including assembly members and senate aids have received pay increase while the state faces a huge deficit

                                             ii.     105 legislative staffers in early December of last year have received promotions (job title change with a quiet pay increase)

III.    The State lawmakers aren’t working together to share the state’s finical           

plan not fight each other to increase their own salaries and their assistance

i.      When people come together they are bound to disagree with basic ideas including how to share reasources. (MM pg 541)

j.      Shows that the state government doesn’t have our best interest at heart or altest the majority of the members.  (interview)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Summary of Authoritative Source

I choose this editoral Cartoon cause I believe that it depicts the problem of how the budget crisis got there it is today, for one the state government doesn't run effective enough to solve what it needs to solve, reason why it took 30 days after it was originally proposed, including that trying to repeatitly cut money from school with look for other main sources of money to help pay back the Bugdet.  It Shows Arnold as the head case of the problem since he cant manage his fellow republicans to help him draw out the budget before hand.

Monday, February 23, 2009

CA budget crisis interview

I choose to interview a close friend named Daniel who is ending his 3rd year close to starting his fourth with SJSU, reason for interviewing him is that he begining upper division classes and i wanted to know if the Budget Crisis would have a more direct impact on him as a further along student at San Jose.

Interviewer:how do you feel towards the budget crisis?

Daniel: unpleasant that it had to come to this and that it will finicially hurt myself in multiple ways.

Interviewer:What part of the budget do you think will affect you the most as an individual?

Daniel: Workplace in the school, the quality of education will continue to decline.

Interviewer:  How much do you predict the increase in cost for college tuition?

Daniel:  Atleast ten percent overall each year and, even more in some areas of the tuition

Interviewer: Who do you think is to blame for the budget crisis here in the state of California?

Daniel:  The state legislative overall for being ineffieceint and not getting done what needs to get done.

Interviewer:  More than 2000 legislative state members have received payment increases in the last year despite the multibillion dollar budget, what is your thought on that?

Daniel:  It shows that the legislative isn't having our best interest at heart and are more concerned on having their jobs satisfy their personal schedule then having to fulfill the needs and wants of the people in California, shows that they are hypocrytes.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rhetorical strategies

The persuasivness used in the artile was the tone, when he spoke of this speech and saying it himself i could hear the voice of obama giving the speech was as if he had a sense of pride in himself and others to those who would listen to what had to say and think on what actions America as a whole should do and declare what part he would play in for the people of america and the future it held for better times to come. 

Politics Summary

The Audacity of Hope 
barack obama

An article showing the speech obama gave when he first gave when he became apart of the state legislature.  Obama covers the main issues where America is suffering mostly in areas of jobs, unemployment rate is increasing and the oppertunity for jobs are dimishing, including the homless where people work day in and day out to try to keep to what very little they have. Obama recieves word that many suffer and choose between healthcare or having a roof over there head and having to make that decision every month, and in conclusion he summerizes that government needed to create some oppertunity for people to have the chance to devolop and achieve simple life styles they choose to have because obama stated himself that "America is a faith of simple dream, and insistance on small miracles;...."

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

inauguration speech

Obama used many details to gain the trust of the people to follow and believe him as a admit president of the United States. For one he used the past to make the problems of today seem possible to reach including the decline in todays economy and the way we rely on foriegn oil from countries we don't particularly get along with.  Obama claims that our goals are no small task and the time to over come and resolve them will take time but the country of america has overcome great challenges in past and so shall we in the future.  He also claims that the resolving of the country problems today will result in a new foundation of america today such as reliable jobs to improve the unemployment percentage, schools and state governments.  Mainly Obama persuades the people of america saying that its just another obsticle for the american people to accomplish, "the country as done much in the past and so shall it in the future"

Thursday, February 12, 2009

reflection on the class 2/12/09

This new structure on how the class will be run is better, definatly more encouraging but kinda of a hassle to have so many different logins from pbwiki, blogger and turnitin.com.  be easier if everything was done under one program.

journal 2/12/09

1)Global warming, there are many arguments claiming that its nothing more then theory taken to seriously

2)socializing medicine con/pro

3)Todays users on myspace and should myspace take responsibility for certain issues that happen because of the communication of myspace