Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Summary of Authoritative Source

I choose this editoral Cartoon cause I believe that it depicts the problem of how the budget crisis got there it is today, for one the state government doesn't run effective enough to solve what it needs to solve, reason why it took 30 days after it was originally proposed, including that trying to repeatitly cut money from school with look for other main sources of money to help pay back the Bugdet.  It Shows Arnold as the head case of the problem since he cant manage his fellow republicans to help him draw out the budget before hand.

1 comment:

  1. This article is by far one sided, and it is definitely not on Governor Schwarzenegger's side. It just reminds the viewers how incapable of being a governor Schwarzenegger is. The picture depicting California as a faulty machine, on Schwarzenegger's face is a great illustration as to how, he and his advisers are so incapable of running the state. Instead they are breaking it apart piece by piece. It is absolutely authoritative because if one is to look at almost any article discussing Schwarzenegger and California, it is all about budget cuts and how the state is running out of money fast.
